Richmond, KY Office Water | Georgetown, KY Keurig Coffee | Versailles, KY Break Room

Brewing Success: Breaktime Vending Introduces Keurig Coffee Machines

At work, a good cup of coffee can make all the difference. Enter Breaktime Vending, your partner in refreshment services. Now, we proudly offer Keurig coffee machines for your break room.

Breaktime Vending is changing the way we enjoy coffee breaks at work. Wondering why you should choose our Richmond office coffee service? We are sharing some of the benefits you can enjoy when you work with us.

The Keurig Coffee Advantage

Keurig needs no introduction when it comes to brewing the best coffee. This single-cup coffee machine delivers hot, tasty coffee every time.

Keurig coffee machines are a natural choice for your Georgetown break room. Say goodbye to the days of stale coffee. With Keurig coffee, every cup is a freshly brewed delight, served at the touch of a button.

We offer models that serve five-cup sizes, allowing you to serve the exact amount you want. Our Keurig coffee brewers also feature touch screens, making it easy to customize a cup to your preferences.

Superior Coffee Selection for Keurig Coffee and Beyond

Breaktime Vending simplifies Keurig coffee in your Richmond break room. We provide a range of coffee flavors and brands because we know that one size does not fit all when it comes to coffee tastes. We can stock your break room with bold roasts, flavored blends, smooth decaf, and more. That way, everyone can drink their favorite coffee.

Richmond, KY Refreshment Services | Georgetown, KY Employee Satisfaction | Versailles, KY Keurig Coffee

Don’t leave the non-coffee drinkers behind. We can also stock other beverages such as tea, hot chocolate, and more.

Enhance Workplace Productivity with the Best Coffee

Coffee breaks aren’t just about caffeine fixes. They’re about recharging. Stepping away from the desk for a coffee break can help your team calm stress and refocus.

Offering quality coffee in your break room boosts employee satisfaction. No more waiting in long lines at the local café or rushing to grab coffee over the lunch break. Instead, employees can take a moment to relax onsite.

Break Room Solutions Made for Your Office

Our team can help you design the ideal office coffee bar for your needs. From initial setup and installation to maintenance, we handle it all. Plus, we will stock all of your coffee extras so your break room runs smoothly. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, we’ve got you covered.

Need snacks or fresh meals with your coffee bar? We can provide a micro-market to complement your Versailles office coffee service.

Sustainability and Keurig Coffee

We’re proud to partner with Keurig Coffee, a company that believes in sustainability. For instance, Keurig offers recyclable K-Cup pods to reduce trash that goes to the landfill.

Our commitment to going green means you can enjoy your coffee while being eco-friendly.

Bring the Best Coffee to Your Workplace with Breaktime Vending

With Breaktime Vending and Keurig coffee, the future of office coffee is looking brighter than ever. Say hello to fresh, flavorful coffee served on demand.

Are you ready to upgrade your Richmond office coffee service? Get in touch to learn about our many break room services. Call us at (844) 550-5444 to get started.

Richmond, KY Office Beverages | Georgetown, KY Cold Brew Taps | Versailles, KY Coffee and Tea

Top Richmond, Georgetown, and Versailles Office Beverages Besides Hot Coffee

The first thing many employees do each morning is look at the office beverages and grab their favorite. For most, that’s a steaming cup of hot coffee, but not all. More than half your staff wants something else to drink. Are you offering that in your Richmond, KY break room? We can help ensure you are.

Here are the top three office beverages consumed in the workplace:

1. Iced coffee

Iced coffee is refreshing and provides a boost of energy. It’s a popular alternative to soda. Plus, it can be less acidic than hot coffee if it’s made from cold brew coffee.

To get iced coffee in your break room, Breaktime Vending can add a high-end cold brew tap or iced coffee machine. It’s part of our Georgetown, KY office coffee service. It’s also a great way to encourage employees to celebrate and talk together. Iced coffee has a fun vibe, yet is nonalcoholic.

Not ready for a cold brew tap? Instead, add canned or bottled cold brew and iced coffee options in a cold drink vending machine. Or better yet, in a Versailles, KY micro market. Micro markets offer a lot of room for different drink options. Beyond cold brew, we stock many healthy snacks, fresh food, and daily essentials, too. That makes a micro market an employee retention tool.

Richmond, KY Vending Service | Georgetown, KY Healthy Snacks Options | Versailles, KY Office Beverages

2. Water

Employees are reaching for water more and more. Water is the best way to hydrate. It has no calories, sugars, or additives. It helps your body replace water lost during the day and boosts health. Plus, there is even research that shows it can stabilize your mood.

Our Richmond, KY vending machines have bottled water for refreshing sips at any time. You can also take your water up a notch with water filtration service. Breaktime Vending installs a water filtering system that removes bad-tasting particles from your office water. The water dispenser at the other end can be full-size or compact enough to sit on the counter. It includes hot and cold water taps. The result is that staff can refill cups and water bottles with great-tasting filtered water.

3. Tea, the Most Overlooked of Office Beverages

One of the most popular office beverages is tea, especially iced tea. Some brewers can make it fresh for the office. Or, you can request bottled iced tea options in your cold beverage vending machine or micro market.

Hot tea can be a strong alternative to coffee for many employees. One reason is health. Green tea especially is high in antioxidants, which may help prevent or remedy cellular damage.

Another reason some staff may choose tea over office coffee is the caffeine. Or lack thereof. If Georgetown, KY employees are sensitive to caffeine or looking for a late afternoon drink choice, they might want tea. Herbal teas are often naturally caffeine-free.

Breaktime Vending Brings a Mix of Office Beverages to You

The right mix of office beverages is a cheap and easy benefit to offer employees. It means going beyond office coffee, however. Try iced coffee, filtered water, or tea to meet the needs of all your staff. That will help them be more productive and happier.

Don’t miss out on better employee morale over a couple of drink options. Contact Breaktime Vending to bring in Versailles’s most popular office beverages and all your other break room needs. We’ve got service you can count on and products you want. Reach us at (844) 550-5444.