Richmond Bean-to-Cup Coffee | Georgetown Vending Services | Versailles Break Room Refreshments

Discover the Perks of our Richmond Bean-to-Cup Coffee Service

Nothing beats the aroma and taste of freshly ground and brewed coffee. Our bean-to-cup coffee service grinds beans on demand! You can’t get any fresher than that. Bring the best in Richmond office coffee to your workplace with Breaktime Vending.

Discover how our bean-to-cup coffee service can enhance your break room experience.

Perks of Our Richmond Bean-to-Cup Coffee Service

A superior coffee service is the heart of your break room. Alongside a snack from your Richmond vending machine, a hot coffee is the perfect treat. When you work with us, we’ll ensure your coffee bar is always fully stocked and ready to use. What are some of the other benefits of our bean-to-cup coffee brewers? Take a look:

  • Premium Quality: Enjoy the rich, full-bodied taste of freshly ground coffee beans with every brew.
  • Convenience: Say goodbye to time-consuming coffee runs. Our machines are just a few steps away from your desk. Plus, they serve your favorite specialty coffees like cappuccinos and lattes.
  • Variety: Choose from a wide selection of coffee beans to suit your taste. From robust dark roasts to smooth, mellow blends and decaf, have your pick.
  • Sustainability: Reduce waste with our eco-friendly, bean-to-cup coffee technology. No more disposable cups or pods. Instead, employees can grab a reusable mug.
  • Boost Productivity: A fresh cup of coffee keeps your employees energized and focused throughout the day.
  • Morale Booster: Nothing says “we care” like a top-notch Georgetown office coffee service that enhances the workplace experience.
  • Social Hub: Gather around our coffee machines for a quick chat. Even a short, friendly conversation helps foster a sense of community.

Breaktime Vending’s Bean-to-Cup Coffee Brewers

Richmond Office Break Room | Georgetown Employee Benefits | Versailles Bean-to-Cup Coffee

Employ our top-notch machines to make your favorite coffee beverage. Discover our Richmond bean-to-cup coffee brewers to learn which will fit your office best.

  • Cafection Encore 29: This is a bean-to-cup marvel. Try over 100 combinations including iced coffee. The machine is easy to use and takes coffee customization to a whole new level. From strength to milk and sweetener, everyone can make the perfect cup of coffee or hot chocolate.
  • Cafection Total 1: Enjoy total customization with this model. You can offer three types of coffee. The machine has three hoppers, so you can serve two roasts and decaf coffee. Plus, employees will love the easy to manage menu. You can even make an order using your smartphone!
  • Necta Krea Touch: This bean-to-cup machine has a unique touchscreen interface. That way, it’s easy to make the perfect cup of coffee!

Each machine grinds beans on demand. That way, your coffee will be aromatic and tasty every time. Get in touch to learn which brewer is best for your Versailles workplace.

Brew Up Something New in Your Richmond Break Room

Upgrade your Versailles break room with our bean-to-cup office coffee services and other break room solutions. Your employees will stay motivated and focused with high-quality coffee in the workplace. We go above and beyond with our office coffee service. We provide not only great coffee equipment, but also quality gourmet coffee beans. Plus, we’ll also make sure your break room is always fully stocked.

Offer Versailles snack vending options alongside your coffee service. A healthy snack is the perfect complement to a coffee break. Trail mix, a granola bar, or even the occasional treat are some good choices.

Get in touch with Breaktime Vending today by calling at (844) 550-5444. We offer a range of refreshment services including office coffee solutions, micro-market with fresh food, and more. We can’t wait for your team to try our bean-to-cup brewers!